My weekend was hectic, but fun, filled with laughs, amazing food, love, SO memorable and the most adventures weekend in a while. Now, lets get to the not so fun part, stolen phone, messed up break pads, I'm not elaborating on the intensity of the car dilemma, lets just say as much as it sucked I think the good, and love that my family and friends have towards us, just made everything so much better. I seriously have the best husband, who is the most patient human on the face of this planet mA. His patience, and endless generosity always leave me in awe. My family and in-laws always generate so much love, and kindness towards us; thinking about how much they care, brings me so much joy. My amigos are pretty legit too, for the ones who hold a special place in my heart I have to admit "my friends are everything" - Lauren Conrad, and they know who they are. Work, gosh I cant brag enough about my co-workers, they seriously are the most amazing group of friends anyone can work with, they offer assistance in a heartbeat, and I am so grateful to have found a perfect niche to be a part of. All of these blessings are from God alone, and if I sit here, and think, and think way back, or not so back, but just peak behind the not so good, then I can clearly see the mountain of blessings my life has been filled with aH. Sometimes such minute situations, like losing a phone, or having a messed up car, are just reminders for us to be more appreciative of what we do have. I'll leave you with a quote from the Quran, and a big shout out to my hubby, my family, friends and my fellow bcWORKSHOPERS!
love and peace!
"If you count God's blessings, you can never encompass them all.
Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative." 14:34